Jarvis, On
Gm #27
Innerkip – 8
Jarvis – 6
Wp- Dan Martin
Lp- Scott Wagar (in relief of Phibbs)
Hr’s – Simmons (Jar), Sammy (Inn), Humphries (
Jarvis jumped out to leads of 4-0 and 6-1 after four inningsonly to see Innerkip score one in the fifth, four in the sixth and two in theseventh for the win.
Innerkip – Pullin 3 for 4, Humphries 2-4 (HR)
Jarvis – Simmons 3 for 4 (HR), Graham 3 for 4
Innerkip – 1
Jarvis – 8
Wp- Scott Wagar
Lp- Dan Skillings
(5 innings)
HR – Staats (Jar)
Jarvis sent 10 batters to the plate and scores 6 runs in thefirst inning and adds two in the forth for the win.
Innerkip – Snider 1 for 2 (3B)
Jarvis – Simmons 2 for 3, Staats 2 for 3 (HR), Graham2 for 3
Clarke Staats