Innerkip, On
Innerkip 3 Jarvis 1
Starting Pitcher - Jamie Simpson 5 innings, 0 runs, 5 K's, 2 Hits
W.P. Marty Humphries - 2 innings, 1 run, 4K's, 3 Hits
L.P. Scott Wagar - 6 innings, 3 runs, 5 K's, 5 Hits
Innerkip toook a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the 5th, back to back doubles by
Dan Skillings and Kevin Cassells only to see Jarvis tie it up in the top of
the 6th on a solo Home Run by Pat Graham. Innerkip would retake the lead in
the bottom of the 6th inning. Pat Humphries singled and Mike Pullin would
score Kirk Stevenson running for Humphries with a triple, Pullin would later
score on a RBI double by Skillings.
Innerkip 5 Jarvis 3 - 5 inning game
W.P. Jeremy deBelleval - 5 innings, 3 runs, 10 K's, 3 Hits
L.P. Pat Graham - 4 innings, 5 runs, 3 K's, 7 Hits
Jarvis would start the scoring in the top of the 2nd on a 2 run single by
Mat Lyons scoring John Brunton and Allan Phibbs who both walked. Innerkip
came back to take the lead in the botom of the 2nd, a leadoff Homerun by a
Skillings which was followed by a Cassells double and a 2 run shot from
Marty Humphries. Marty Humphries would add another 2 run Homerun in the
bottom of the 4th. Jarvis would respond with a run in the top of the 5th
only to leave the tying runs on base.
Jeff Whetstone
Innerkip Eagles