Jim Bradford and Neil Cane Memorial Tournament 2017
Cobourg Legion Fields
Jim Bradford Division Neil Cane Division
Team Ontario U21 Cobourg Force
Dirt Road Gang Napanee
Durham Diamond Backs Toronto Batman
Pickering Panthers Toronto Dieppe Park
Tournament Schedule
Time Jack Bevan Diamond Layton Dodge Diamond
Friday June 9th - 7:30 PM Team Ontario U21 - Dirt Road Gang  
Saturday June 10th
 9:30 AM Dirt Road Gang - Pickering Panthers Cobourg Force - T.Hawks of Dieppe
11:30 AM Durham Diamond Backs - Dirt Road Gang Napanee - Toronto Batman
1:30 PM Team Ontario U21 - Pickering Panthers Napanee - Thawks of Dieppe
3:30 PM Durham Diamond Bks - Pickering Panthers Toronto Batman - Cobourg Force
 5:30 PM   Cobourg Force - Dippe Park
7:30 PM Team O U21 - Durham Diamond Backs Toronto Batman - Napanee
Sunday June 11th
Time Jack Bevan Diamond Layton Dodge Diamond
10:00 AM Semi - final Semi - final
12:00 PM Final  
All Softball Canada rules apply, all teams guarnteed 3 games and top 4 teams will play on Sunday.
No ties in games, and if two teams are tied after round robin the team who won in their head to head game moves on to playoffs.
Dirt Road Gang have an event on Saturday, so they are playing Friday night, and first two games on Saturday in the Jim Bradford Division.