January 21, 2025


A human resources management system (HRMS) is more than a human resources information system (HRIS). It is what the name implies; an information management system accessible to staff at all levels, designed to ensure that the organization's most important resources — its people — are recruited, selected, developed, employed, deployed, and supported most effectively.

Texts on human resources information systems commonly focus on developing and implementing systems that gather, store, and report human resources data in a timely fashion, in forms that are useful to human resources personnel, line management, and other users. In writing this book, we have attempted to go further than this, by focusing as well on the uses of an HRMS as a critical management tool.

This book is designed to reach a diverse audience, including:
• Human resources and/or payroll managers and functional specialists who want to know more about what an HRMS can do, or who are involved with, or contemplating the development of a new HRMS;
• Executives and general managers who understand that their human resources are their most important resource and are looking to the strategic and pragmatic value of an HRMS in terms of helping them manage their human resources;
• Information systems professionals who will be working on an HRMS project and want to learn more about the business and user perspective on such systems; and,
• Post-secondary school students taking a general HRMS course.

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