6th Annual Preston Men's Fast Pitch Tournament
July 24 & 25, 2010
Preston, Minnesota
14 Team Double-Elimination § $220 Entry fee.
Checks should be made payable to: Preston Men’s Tournament §
Final team entry deadline is July 15th. First 14 teams with entry fee paid are in the tournament.
*Tourney is expected to fill prior to entry deadline. §
Balls will be provided. §
Traveling expenses (based on 14 entries): 1st place -- $500 2nd place -- $350 3rd place -- $225 4th place -- $100 §
Tournament organizers: Lynn & Barb Scheevel, Ryan Scheevel, Brett Scheevel § Tournament hosts: Preston Merchants Fast Pitch team Preston Ballfield Concessions –
Featuring our pork loin and Italian beef sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza, ice cream treats, & fresh popped popcorn. For questions or more information:call (507)765-4948 or email at scheevel77@gmail.com . Tournament organizer, host and the City of Preston are not responsible for any injuries or accidents during the tournament or on tournament grounds.
Registration Form
Team Name_____________________________________________________________Manager or Contact Person_____________________________________________________________Mailing Address_____________________________________________________________City/State/Zip_____________________________________________________________Phone Contact Number_____________________________________________________________Email_____________________________________________________________
Mail or Email Registrations with Fee to:Lynn Scheevel15547 County 15Preston, MN 55965Home phone: 507-765-4948Email: scheevel77@gmail.com