Pala Braves blast way to Beaumont Coyotes' Fourth of July championship
July 5, 2011
Beaumont, CA
BEAUMONT, CA – The Pala Braves weren’t too pleased with their performance and they knew that if they didn’t improve – and quickly – a prestigious tournament championship was about to slip away.
So the Braves held a team meeting before the start of the “if necessary” game and went on to blast the Morongo Hostiles 14-0 to claim the championship of the 2011 35th Annual Coyotes Men’s Fourth of July Fastpitch Softball Tournament, Sunday, at Valdivia Field in Beaumont.
“We met between the games and we talked about getting back to playing fundamental fastpitch and quit swinging for the fences,” said Cody Maxcy, the Braves manager and catcher. “We got more patient waiting on pitches, and we played a lot smarter.”
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Thank You, Bob Otto