The ISC Travel League of
The I.S.C. Travel league of
At the meeting, we will hear from current league teams and prospective league teams on their ideas to expand the league. This will include the possibility of some teams playing their league games on weekends, the use of tournament play, and interlocking games with current established leagues.
We are interested in new teams at ISC and ISC II level willing to join our league. Please contact Colin Smith prior to the League Meeting on November 5 with your expression of interest and with any suggestions on how to expand the league.
AGM and Other Meetings:
Please add these dates to your 2007 calendars:
Our A.G.M. will be heldon Sunday January 28/07.
The follow up meeting will be held on Sunday March4/07,
and third and final meeting before the season begins, will be held on Sunday April 29/07.
All meetings are at the Grand Valley Golf Course, 9:00 a.m.
Colin Smith
League President