2017 Las Vegas Road Trip X
December 3, 2016
Las Vegas, NV - 2017 Las Vegas Road Trip X
The tenth edition of the “Las Vegas Road Trip†men’s fast pitch tournament dates has been confirmed.Â
The event will be held April 7-9, 2017 with the first round games starting Friday at noon, and the Championship games scheduled for 3:00 PM on Sunday; the "IF" games will immediately follow if necessary. Teams flying in and out should make plans to be ready to play early on Friday and late on Sunday in the event the brackets are running late.Â
While this tournament is a NAFA sanctioned event, it is run by the SCIFL and any questions regarding this tournament must go through the SCIFL Tournament Director Jesse Ortiz.
Teams will be separated in the following divisions:Â
A-Major (depending on amount of teams)Â
AA/AA-Major (depending on the amount of teams)
The split in the higher classifications will be based on the amount of teams that enter. The NAFA pitcher’s list will be used to monitor pitchers in the tournament as well as the team’s current classification. No open class pitchers are allowed to pitch in these three divisions. Confirmation into the tournament will be based on the entry fee and roster being received. The classification list posted on the NAFA web site on January 31, 2017 will be the list used to classify pitchers. There will be no appeals for pitchers after that date for this tournament.
The entry fee for the tournament is $440, if paid through the SCIFL website. Those who mail their check will receive a discounted price, $430. It is open to all fast pitch teams and it will be your responsibility to pay the Annual NAFA $30 Team Registration Fee directly to the NAFA sports office. You can pay the team registration fee online by clicking on this link
The NAFA 3-game guarantee bracket will be used for all divisions. With a minimum of eight (8) teams in a division, the winner will have their 2017 NAFA World Series entry fee paid for the division they played in. Also, to help keep tournament costs down, if your team books at least five (5) rooms at our host hotel on Friday and Saturday nights you will receive $25 back on your entry fee.
Teams interested in participating should contact Jesse Ortiz by email, as soon as possible, at
scifastpitch@gmail.com or by cell at 661-510-8928 and inform him if your team can play all three days. Teams that can play all three days will be placed on the priority list, teams that say they can only play on Saturday and Sunday will be placed on the secondary list. No one will be given a "selected" game time as everyone is traveling to the event.
We will start collecting entry fees on January 2, 2017 and once it’s received you will be sent an email to confirm your entry. Once the tournament is full, teams providing their entry fee will be placed on a waiting list and entered if any teams drop out. All teams will need to submit their entry fee along with their team’s roster listing all their players and identifying their pitchers to ensure teams are placed in their proper classification.
Checks can be made out to "SCIFL" and mailed to:
PO Box 6572
Burbank CA 91510
For the 10th year the host hotel will once again be Arizona Charlie’s Boulder. The rate will be $50 per night for Friday and Saturday and $35 for Thursday and Sunday nights, if you book directly with the hotel using their 800 number. In order to receive this rate you must book by midnight of cut-off date March 23, 2017.
Arizona Charlie’s Boulder offers a casino, buffet and sit down dining along with live music in the casino bar/lounge. Please help the tournament by booking with Arizona Charlie’s to receive the special rate. The number is 800-362-4040 and the reference code is C-SCIFL or mention So Cal Independent Fast Pitch League. Rooms booked any other way (Priceline, Expedia, etc…) cannot be confirmed through the hotel and are not used toward our count and you will not receive the team credit if you book five rooms or more. If you need to book more than three (3) rooms on the same credit card, please contact Kathy Brennan at 702-951-5942 in the group sales department and she will be more than happy to assist you. Also, if the 800 say’s they do not have the SCIFL listing, please call Kathy to book your room. If she is not there, leave a message and she will get back to you.
Information regarding the event, game results and player statistics will be posted on
www.scifastpitch.com . This year's tournament once again will be played at Sunset Park and Warm Springs Park; both are located with 1/4-mile of each other and are located by the Las Vegas International Airport. Game times will be available once the tournament is filled or two weeks after March 13, 2017, which is when we will start working on the schedule.
This message is being sent to managers and players who have participated in the past at the Las Vegas Road Trip or expressed interest. If you do not wish to receive further updates, please reply to this email to be removed from the mailing list.
Please feel free to contact Jesse if you have any questions regarding this tournament. We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas.
Jesse Ortiz
SCIFL President
Tournament Director
PO Box 6572
Burbank CA 91510
Cell: 661-510-8928