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Player looking for team in Ottawa area

March 20, 2017

Ottawa, ON - - Player looking for team in Ottawa area

First and Last Name: Curtis Nepinak

Position/s: Center Field, but can play any position in outfield

Current Hometown: Ottawa

State/Province: Ontario

Date Posted: March, 17, 2017

Your Bio: Just moved to Ottawa from Winnipeg. I last played with Team Bigman in the Winnipeg Mens Fastball League. I’ve been playing Fastball all my life since I was a little guy. I grew up in a community where everybody plays fastball, it’s in my blood. I would hate to not play fastball anymore, because of my move.


Notes: I have no stats to post from playing in Manitoba or Winnipeg Fastball League, but I can honestly say I would be in top ten, lol, seriously.

E-Mail Address: worldclass12@hotmail.com


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