Orillia, Ontario, Canada
When the Quaker River Sharks relocated to Orillia last year,part of the plan was to create a fan base as well as local businesssupport. The team is very pleased to announce the creation of the OrilliaQuaker River Sharks team Fan Club. The team’s fan club will becalled “THE SHARK TANK” and members will receive many unique itemswith their membership. Please see the attached “Shark Tank” boosterclub form for all the details. The membership is open to everyone thatwishes to follow the team throughout the season. The team is also aboutto start a major campaign of the Orillia and area businesscommunity. Our goal for both of these campaigns is to raise the profileof not only the Orillia Quaker River Sharks but also to raise the profile ofMajor Men’s Fastball.
As we work towards our goal for the 2007 River Sharks, youwill also continue to see many changes to the teams’ website. Themembers of the team are very proud of our website and many people consider the OrilliaQuaker River Sharks website to be the best in the game. Todd Evans is theperson behind the website and we think he continues to do a fantastic job onkeeping the website updated and interesting.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to emailme.
See http://www.quakerriversharks.com/sharktank.htm for membership form.
Paul Barnetson
Orillia Quaker River Sharks