Return of the Shootout
January 16, 2020
Niagara Falls, ON - - Return of the Shootout!
Niagara Falls, ON
Fastball Community,
Get out your fastball calendars! It is with great pleasure that I announce the return of the Snapper Shootout. Once again, the Niagara Snappers will be your host as they were when the tournament was operating between 2004-2014. A decade of great early season games that often acted as the tune up tournament to the challenging season ahead. While the venues and teams have changed over the years, one thing remains constant here in's a passion for the great game of fastball and our hospitality! Join us at Ker Park in Niagara Falls over the June 5-7 weekend for what hopes to be a terrific weekend and fastball and memorable moments.
The Shootout is also hoping to attract enough teams to have a Masters division in addition to an Open division.  If your team is interested in participating please contact me via this email or by text/phone at 905-328-2778.
More information to follow via Al's Fastball as we get closer to the date.
Take care,
Perry Bartley