Niagara Falls, ON - - Niagara Falls 2020 Tournament Announcement
June 16, 2020
Niagara Falls, ON
Fastball Community,
As the Worlds issues rage on and we do our best to find a new normal, down here in Niagara we have a plan percolating that is really only an idea at this point. Everything considered we thought it was best to reach out to our Fastball community and see if there is any desire to potentially execute this plan.
With all Softball Canada Championships and the ISC World Tournament cancelled for 2020, the Niagara Snappers and the Niagara Fury fastball clubs have been discussing the possibility of hosting a fastball festival of sorts at Ker Park in Niagara Falls over the August 21-23 weekend. At this point there are so many unknowns and it is a major challenge to plan something like this under these circumstances but we plan on trying! Issues such as Provincial and State gathering restrictions, park closures, border restrictions, financial hardship and our physical/mental wellbeing are all factors to be considered.
If (and this is a huge if) these factors can be managed in time for this projected tournament date, we would like to play host to the biggest inclusive event we can possibly put together. Our plan is to have as many teams on hand as possible at all levels of play. Open, Intermediate, Masters/Legends, Junior teams...All are welcome!! Depending on interest we could start the event on Wednesday or Thursday if needed.
So the question is, would your team be interested in attending IF things can fall into place? We have already sent out a general email to potential teams and as of today we have just over 20 teams at all levels that have expressed interest. If your team is interested please let us know ASAP.
I hope everyone is safe and well.
Take care,
Perry Bartley