Let's Bring our Friend Sammy Home!
January 31, 2022
Let's Bring our Friend Sammy Forbes Home!
GOOD NEWS! Sammy is home and on the mend!
Please share far and wide let’s bring the big guy home He can yell at me all he wants for this later… in person.
Family for Sammy
Our father “Slammin‘ Sammy“ Forbes (The Legend), travelled to mexico this past week with friends. While he was there, he suffered 2 strokes, which put him in ICU. From there it was discovered he needed heart surgery to save his life. He has made it through surgery, and is currently in a medically induced coma until at least next week.
As he was there with friends and they need to come home to their families, we are raising funds to fly my aunt and uncle out to be with him until he is awake and physically able to come home to us. Anything will help and everything is appreciated. Your love, prayers and support mean the world to us as we try to bring dad home. If you cannot donate, that’s ok! We just ask you keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and maybe chirp someone in his honour.
at GoFundMe
$37,460.00 raised
This fundraiser is no longer accepting donations. If you are the organizer, beneficiary, team member, or donor, sign in to see additional information.
And see below if you still wish to help out:
FRESH UPDATE: 8 March 2022
For those of you asking where to help you can send e-transfers to:
It ALL goes to him and his healing!!!!
You can also email him at that address as it goes to his iPad and I read his messages to him. He loves getting the stories, pictures, inspirational stories, well wishes, and prayers!
I think it truly is what’s keeping him out of depression and fighting to move forward every day.
Hello friends of Dad. Our family has been overwhelmed by the love and support received for our pops and we cannot thank you enough. Our aunt and uncle have arrived in Mexico today. As news travels slowly from Mexico, the only update we have for you is that he has been trying to open his eyes in recent days. We appreciate your patience with updates from us during this difficult time, as we have very little information and we know that everyone wants to know how he is doing. We will be posting updates on his condition when we can. Thank you for all of your love, support, patience and understanding as we try to get dad home. Amanda Forbes Mel Clendenan
UPDATE 18 DEC 2021
Rachel Forbes
Hello sports fans aka lovers of Dad- update #3
Dad underwent another surgery this morning to help him with his breathing. It all went well and he is breathing on his own. Annnnnd - HE’S AWAKE!!! A little out of it, but awake none the less. Yahoo! Still not talking yet - but you know… surgery and stuff. We hope to be able to get him home by early next week on a medical flight, and he will go directly into an ICU upon his return to Canada.
If you have been messaging us directly for updates, please do not be offended if you don’t get an individual response - we have been flooded with update requests and there’s just too many to respond to. So we will continue posting updates on here so everyone can see.
UPDATE 20 DEC 2021
Fantastic news from the Forbes family as Sam is on his way back home to Ontario. Keep a good thought for Sam on his road to recovery.
He's on his way home friends!
For real this time!
Pray for a Safe Trip! He's not out of the woods yet, but baby steps.
#44Strong #BringTheBigGuyHome
#TheLegend #SlamminSammy
Hey there sports fans,
Dad is back in Ontario and resting comfortably. He isn’t awake yet but can open his eyes very briefly.
We should know more in a day or so after all of the test results come back.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support. Our family is overwhelmed by your love and we can’t thank you enough.
Please keep praying for our Dad. He’s not out of the woods yet and has a VERY long road ahead of him, but if anyone can pull through all of this, it is him!
Much love to you all and may you have a very Merry Christmas from all of us.
Hey all, hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Here is an update on Dad for you…
He had a GREAT day yesterday. When I got there they had him sitting up in the chair and on oxygen. (Was awesome to see him out of that bed finally)
He mastered the 6 hour challenge and will go for 8 today! Almost at the half day mark on his own! Yeay.
He was very alert and could look right at me many times, as well as his friends during his FaceTime visits.
He loved hearing from the girls, Aunt Gloria, his friends, and the video of his old buddy singing Copperhead road to him. We even had a few Christmas Carol’s playing even though he’s not a fan. (Couldn’t let him get out of Christmas entirely Scott free).
The hospital found a way to get gifts from him to his grand daughters, which was very thoughtful. He holds a crocheted heart in his hand all day, and there were matching ones for the girls.
The staff there also love to hear about him and his stories since he has SO many pictures up around his room, and so many people that call when I’m there. He has quite a tale to tell.
He managed to move his arm from his shoulder yesterday as well. Which is his first movement since he’s been there and caught me by surprise as I think I was leaning on him and forced it.
I do want to say Thank you for the amazing messages of hope and faith.
It gives me strength and keeps me fighting to keep him fighting, and I’m grateful for those rechargeable moments.
Hug your family a little tighter this year, and be grateful for every minute.
Many thanks and love to you all. xo
Much love,
Amanda and family xo — with
Sam Forbes and
3 others
Hello sports fans, Amanda here.
Just a quick update on Dad...
He is on oxygen for 16 hours a day now, instead of the vent and will be trying for the whole night tonight - as we expect, he's rocking it like only the Legend #44 can!
They told us he would not be able to move, understand or communicate likely ever again, however less than a week back in Canada, Dad can move his left arm, his right leg, move head from side to side, and adjust his whole body when uncomfortable. Plus he started moving his arm when I asked him to, and the nurses believe me now! BIG WIN!
Our new goal is working on finger movement and blinking for communication. Where we go from here... thats up to him and God.
He can look directly at me and understand very briefly, but still struggles to maintain eye contact.
His MRI results do NOT look promising, but like I said, he has surpassed even the Doctors/nurses expectations so far and continues to do so.
Please keep the prayers, the energy work, the blessings and anything else you are sending this way coming! They are ALL appreciated greatly, and are helping. He can feel them, and so can I!
Much love and thanks to you all!
Here is the update on Dad for Jan 3, 2022
Nothing much has changed from the last update. He’s been a more alert/responsive my last 3 visits and can definitely wiggle his thumb, move both legs, and push my arm hard with his left hand.
The right arm doesn’t really move, but I think it’s because it’s weighed down with all the monitoring stuff.
Yesterday he kept throwing his arm off his chair intentionally and looked like he was trying to pull it back up, but who knows.
They accidentally shaved the ‘stache, but he looks so handsome regardless. He will hate it. Lol
We attempted to deflate the cuff in his trach the other night, as his cough is still strong enough to clear any phlegm, but were unsuccessful due to the amount there.
Once the cuff is deflated he will move to the next step of care. Yeay!!! So close.
His vitals are stable regularly and he seems to be chugging along one day at a time.
Other than that, keep praying. He really loved hearing the Maori prayer from his Krusher friends in NZ yesterday! (That one sent shivers down MY spine, thanks Jason Rei), as well, there are a few Indigenous healings coming through today.
I can’t thank you all enough for rallying your energies, blessings, and prayers around him and supporting his journey. They are beautiful and I wish everyone could feel the energy they deliver to him, and I, just by being in that room. My heart is grateful to you ALL and that is a major understatement. There truly are NO WORDS!
He’s getting the love.
Many thanks and love to you all. xo
So some really great news!!!
Dad went the entire day with his cuff in his trach deflated yet again, so he’s breathing on his own now
He was more alert so he’s getting stronger in that regard. Yeay!!!
His cough really is SO strong, so he’s able to clear his own airways, which got us here quicker than they anticipated.
Yesterday we tried to fit his teeth back in, which didn’t go well as they don’t seem to fit anymore. But he was determined to hang on to them and not let us take them back out.
Eventually we got them and he looked like he was pouting and a little mad at me after that.
Oh well, I will take the hits.
I’m pretty sure he even intentionally tried to kick me.
They also let him wear his Legends hat, which you could tell lifted his spirits a bit as well.
Last night the hospital called, (which always fills me with dread and makes my heart drop at that time of night). But it was GREAT and unexpected news!!!
We have now reached step 2 and they have moved Dad out of ICU A and into ICU B!!!!
Hopefully he can hang onto his less acute status and stay there, until the next stage.
Now the goal is to get him to step 3 and it’s one more step closer to home!
Even the nurses are shocked at how well he’s doing, which tells me all I need to know. He will pull off yet another Legendary feat! You can all that to the Bank!
Please PLEASE keep praying.
He IS getting the love, and it IS working!
Many thanks and love to you all. xo
Dad is up in ICU B now. Doing OK.
He started running a fever the day after he got there but it’s under control now, and white blood cell count is down. (That’s good)!
He’s been exceptionally tired the last 2 days so nothing really new to report to anyone.
Hence the silence on this end.
They took him for a CT scan today as the nurse couldn’t wake him up this morning, and she wanted to be safe.
When I say he’s exhausted, I mean crazy exhausted.
I’m not sure really how to explain it exactly, but something is off to me….
Not sure if they doped him up with anything to make him groggy or if maybe another clot let go. (Which is obviously my worst fear).
He hasn’t been able to open his eyes much the last couple days, and when he does they kind of roll back in his head. He’s not listening or following even my commands now, which scares me a little bit, but hoping tomorrow he gains more energy.
I’m praying it’s the breathing on his own that’s causing the exhaustion still, since he works really hard at it and has to clear his own airways regularly.
ICU B is less stimulating for him as there is less interaction with people during the day, which sucks.
2 hours is definitely NOT ENOUGH stimulus for a stroke injury.
I ended up buying him some TV for the sports, so at least he has something to look at and listen to combined in the absence of human interaction.
We will see if that works a bit.
Please PLEASE keep praying, sending your healing, energy work, and love.
He IS getting that love.
Many thanks and love to you all. xo
Much love,
Amanda xo
It was a GREAT day! One that I wasn’t expecting AT ALL.
Dad was pretty alert which was what I needed to see after days of not knowing what was going on, and my fears getting the better of me. His CT scans finally came back and they were clear,
No new strokes!!!!
They came in today to hook up his TV which did pique his interest, and he immediately decided he was the “keeper of the remote” so nothings changed there.
The same Doctor that told us Dad was never going to progress and we should “make him comfortable” came in today to tell me that she finally saw him be able
to track her with his eyes and follow commands for movement and she was very surprised and impressed by that.
I told her he’d been doing it for weeks but I was glad she finally saw it.
What a relief!
And with that news…..
Dad moves on to stage 3!!!
The stroke unit!
After that, the next stage is HOME, and the doctor was on board!!!!!
His nurse came in to speak with me regarding home-care and how to start preparing. Even though that part will still take some more time, it’s the next step.
How exciting and what a needed change of pace it was today. Such a great vibe.
Please PLEASE keep praying.
He IS getting the love.
Many thanks and love to you all. xo
For those looking for Dad updates, they will be temporarily on hold as the hospital had an outbreak on Sunday, and I can’t get in to see him. I don’t know how long this is going to last and can’t seem to get a straight answer on it. But just pray it’s soon. He was doing so well.
This just breaks my heart he’s alone for days on end.
UPDATE 20 JAN 2022
Ok y’all.
I didn’t expect to have to put this up, and I know you are all praying, HARD; but PLEASE if you have ounces of EXTRA in you, please pray MORE for my Dad!
He’s on a big decline since being in lockdown, and I am making moves to have him brought home NOW!
Please Help me pray him through this weekend! He NEEDS this miracle. He NEEDS to be home.
They are saying he caught Covid but I know he didn’t. He has pneumonia from being stuck in a bed during lockdown. No physical therapy or Occupational therapy. Just sitting still. He was better than EVER the last day I saw him.
I’m so sick of this BS.
Help me get him through the next 4-5 days.
3 others
It’s official.
He’s coming home!
The Eagle has landed! He’s finally home.
I know I say to pray, but please keep it up.
He’s a mess.
He came to us in really bad shape, but we have managed to turn that around in a short period of time with real food, nutrients, love and prayers from you all. ??????
Today was a fabulous day!
FRESH UPDATE: 8 March 2022
For those of you asking where to help you can send e-transfers to:
It ALL goes to him and his healing!!!!
You can also email him at that address as it goes to his iPad and I read his messages to him. He loves getting the stories, pictures, inspirational stories, well wishes, and prayers!