News Stories

Vasey Countrymen Capture SRFL Title

October 21, 2022

Coldwater, ON - - Vasey Countrymen Capture SRFL Title

Subject: Simcoe Rural Fastball League 



Vasey Countrymen Capture SRFL Title

Coldwater, Ontario


The Vasey Tom Smith Countrymen captured the 2022 Simcoe Rural Fastball League Championship on last Thursday evening with an 11-4 over the host Uhthoff Nationals, taking the best of five series in four games.


The visiting Countrymen scored two runs in the top of the first with a leadoff single from Craig Robinson, a Steffan Walma triple and a Brad Robinson sacrifice fly. 


The Nationals responded with three runs in the bottom half of the second inning, chasing Countrymen starter Brady Arts from the game.  Joey Balkwill singled, Chase Strick tripled and Justin Robinson singled.


Vasey responded in the top half of the third inning with three of their own runs when Charlie Paige blasted a tape measure three-run homer to deep left field to plate Steve Eakley and Craig Robinson.


The Nationals would get one back in the bottom half of the frame with an unearned run off of Robinson.  Heading to the 4th, the score favoured the Countrymen  5-4.  With no scoring in the 4th, the Countrymen added another run in the top of the 5th when Walma’s second triple of the game was plated by a Zach Martin single.


Vasey would break the finale open in the top half of the 6th scoring three runs.  Pinch hitter Jamie Robinson lead off the inning with a single, followed by singles from Craig Robinson, Charlie Paige and Steffan Walma’s third triple of the night. 


The Countrymen added two more insurance runs in the top of the 7th when Zach Martin and Jamie Robinson singles were plated by Ben Ladouceur.


On the mound, Joey Balkwill went the distance for the Nationals striking out 8.  For the Countrymen, Brady Arts went one and two thirds striking out one; Brad Robinson pitched six and a third, striking out eight.


In reaching finals, Uhthoff Nationals defeated Victoria Harbour Dodgers in five games while the Vasey Countrymen defeated the Minesing Mallards, also in five games.


Members of the Countrymen include:  (Back Row) Steve Eakley, Craig Robinson, Charlie Paige, Johnny Grugic (Anthem Singer), Steve Lefaive, Spencer Lefaive, David Ronald

(Front Row) Zach Martin, Brady Arts, Jamie Robinson, Ben Ladeceur, Brad Robinson, Steffan Walma, Austin Cooper.  Absent were Corey O’Rourke, Kirk Santala, Coulter Jones and Ryan King.


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