Sioux City, IA - Hubbard Park Legend Game 2025
It’s Baaaaaaaack! The Iconic “LEGENDS GAME “ will be played again in 2025. Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 19, 2025! This date is also my 65th Birthday! So call it “Pedro’s Party “. As usual, the game plan is : Friday 7/18 : Golf / Pre-Game get together. Saturday 7/19 : Practice / BP, Introductions, Shadow Ball, Game. Postgame @ Townhouse Pizza. , this game is being played in Sioux City one week before the ISC Noteworld tournament in Mankato Minnesota less than 200 miles away the next weekend! We only play this game once a year at Historic Hubbard Park. ? it is called the legends game because it is open to all legends! It’s basically golf, softball, beer tent - And not necessarily in that order! Meeting up with some of the legends of the game once a year while we can! If you would like to attend, we need these four items: One, will you be golfing. Two, will you attend the game. Three, will you play in the game. If so, position preferred and jersey size and number . That’s it. The legends game itself is sponsored by Kevin Keane and is a one day BYOB event! ?? I have talked to Gene Knopp, he will be 90 years old this year, but he is planning on golfing and pitching and inning! So make no excuses, if you can’t play the game, maybe you can attend and golf or just attend. Steve Van Ginkel will be putting up a check-in/commitment sheet shortly online to give us your information to participate. So, head to Sioux City, Iowa, July 19 for the Legends Game/ Pedro Party, and then to Mankato Minnesota on the 26th for the ISC World! Pedro’s party will be a hoot! I hope you can attend!
From Pete Sandman via Facebook Group News ISC International Softball Congress