
Who says you can't play summer sports year round?

February 14, 2008

Toronto, ON


CONTACT:   Lisa Crompton
                     (416) 426-7150
DATE:           February14, 2008

NORTH YORK, ONTARIO- Areyou looking for a fun and different way to fulfill the Ontario Government’sHealthy Schools Program requirement of 20 minutes of physical activity per dayfor your students?  Softball Ontario is here to help!  In an effortto introduce new children to the game of softball, Softball Ontario is makingTRY SOFTBALL Kits available to schools FREE!  The kits are available toall elementary schools in Ontario for one month at no charge.
What isincluded in a TRY SOFTBALL Kit? 
A TRY SOFTBALL Kitconsists of everything you will need to introduce your class to the game ofsoftball.  Each Kit contains the following:
  • A BlastBallGame
  • A BlastBallManual
  • A Parmalat Learn toPlay Level 1 Manual
  • Pencils and ActivityBooks for your Students
To address any concerns,all of the equipment is manufactured using child-safe materials; the bat andball are made of a soft foam material, removing safety concerns that arecreated by aluminum bats and hard balls.  There are no equipmentrequirements for the students, as baseball gloves are not required toparticipate in the game. 
What isBlastBall?
The game of BlastBall is similar to T-Ball, howeverit is more exciting and physically active for the participants.  Teacherswill receive a free BlastBall Manual with each Kit, which contains the rulesof BlastBall as well as many modifications of the game; the manual is given tothe school to keep and use in their future classes.  To address anyconcerns, all of the equipment is manufactured using child-safe materials; thebat and ball are made of a soft foam material, removing safety concerns thatare created by aluminum bats and hard balls.  There are no equipmentrequirements for the students, as baseball gloves are not required toparticipate in the game. 
What is Learn toPlay?
Learn to Play is a revolutionary way of introducing thesport of softball to children.  The program activities foster thedevelopment of ALL players, including players with high and low skilllevels.  Activities and lead-up games are patterned after informalplayground games that promise FUN and LOTS OF ACTION.  This fantasticresource is given to the school to keep as a thank-you for participating inour program. 
How can youparticipate?
There is no cost involved in participating in ourTRY SOFTBALL program, other than the cost of shipping the Kit back to SoftballOntario.  The only requirement is that each teacher who used theBlastBall Kit fill out our Feedback Questionnaire upon completion of theschool’s scheduled time period.  A thank-you gift will be sent to eachteacher who fills out the form.  Softball Ontario is now arranging forschools to book their BlastBall Kits for the months of March, April, May andJune 2008.  The Kits are available on a first-come - first-served basis;teachers, principals, and parent groups are advised to contact us as soon aspossible to book their month. 
For further details onSoftball Ontario’s TRY SOFTBALL program or to borrow a BlastBall Kit for yourschool, please contact Lisa Crompton by phone at (416) 426-7150 or by email atlcrompton@softballontario.ca. 
Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions.

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