Softball Ontario Fast Pitch Provincial Deputy Umpire-in-Chief.
October 5, 2009
Toronto, ON
NORTH YORK, ONTARIO – Softball Ontario is now accepting applications for the position(s) of Fast Pitch Provincial DeputyUmpire-in-Chief. A successful candidate will be an active Fast Pitch Umpire registered with Softball Ontario with a keen focus for Softball Ontario's Junior Development Umpire Program and Intermediate Umpire Program. He or she should have experience as a Zone Umpire-in-Chief, aswell as a minimum Fast Pitch Umpire Certification of Level 3 or higher. Five years of experience as a Fast Pitch Umpire is an asset.
Highlightsof the responsibilities of the Fast Pitch Provincial Deputy Umpire-in-Chief include:
Be amember of the Fast Pitch Umpire Committee and attend all meetings
Represent Softball Ontario as a tournament Umpire-in-Chief asassigned by the Fast Pitch Provincial Umpire-in-Chief
Participate in the Selection Process for sending Umpires to a FastPitch Canadian Championship
Officiate at Softball Ontario Member Association Tournaments asassigned by the Fast Pitch Provincial Umpire-in-Chief
Assist in the selection process for Fast Pitch ZoneUmpires-in-Chief
Liaison with Softball Ontario’s Program Coordinator regardingoperations of the Umpires Program
Develop and administer a recruitment and retention program for theFast Pitch Umpires including the Junior Development UmpiresProgram
Review clinic material and recommend changes, if necessary to clinicmaterial and procedures
Assist in the coordination the Softball Ontario Instructor TrainingProgram for Fast Pitch Umpires
Assist in the administration the Fast Pitch Umpires Travel Fund asapproved by the Fast Pitch Provincial Umpire-in-Chief
Liaison with Softball Ontario Fast Pitch Zone Umpires-in-Chief toensure all Softball Ontario Umpire Clinics and Member Association tournamentsare serviced accordingly
Interestedapplicants will find a detailed copy of the Fast Pitch Provincial DeputyUmpire-in-Chief job description at
Thoseinterested in becoming Fast Pitch Provincial Deputy Umpire-in-Chief shouldsend their resume and cover letter detailing their experience to StephanieSutton at or byfax (416) 426-7368 by October 9, 2009.
Followingthe application deadline, the Fast Pitch Provincial Umpire-in-Chief willcomplete the appointment process for the three (3) Fast Pitch ProvincialDeputy Umpires-in-Chief and will begin planning for the 2008 softballseason.
For moreinformation on the Fast Pitch Provincial Deputy Umpire-in-Chief selectionprocess, or the Umpires Program in general, visit the Softball Ontario website at orcontact Stephanie Sutton at orcall 416-426-7150.
Softball Ontario is the governing body for the sport of softballin Ontario. Our goal is to promote and develop the sport of softball for itsathletes, officials and volunteers by providing programs and services at alllevels of competitions.