October 20, 2009
Ottawa, ON
NORTH YORK,ON- Softball Ontario congratulates Richard Coleman for receiving the 2009Softball Canada HomeRun Sports Umpire of the Year. The Softball CanadaHomeRun Sports Umpire of the Year Award is awarded annually to a SoftballCanada Umpire that best exemplifies the characteristics of good sportsmanship,involved in the Umpire development, a positive Umpire role model and aneducator and evaluator. This individual must not only have the abovecharacteristics but truly show a love for the game of Softball and bettermentof umpires from the local level to across Canada.
DickColeman started umpiring in 1988 and has taken on a number of roles in variouscapacities every since then. Prior to becoming Softball Ontario’s FastPitch Umpire-in-Chief for Zone 10 and Softball Ontario’s Slo-PitchUmpire-in-Chief for Zone 8, in 2004, Dick was the Umpire-in-Chief for the veryactive Orleans Amateur Softball Ontario Association (OAFA). Dick stillholds this position to date. The Orleans fastball community hosts two ormore provincials tournaments a year and Dick has been involved in almosteveryone event, either as a working umpire or as theUmpire-in-Chief.
Dick wasinstrumental in the 90’s for lobbying with the OAFA to establishequitable pay rates for OAFA umpires and the scheduler. Furthermore, hedrafted a Code of Conduct for the guidance of the OAFA umpires and provided apre-season exam and rules review meeting to promote better appreciation andunderstanding for the rules of the game.
Mr. Colemanhas officiated at numerous Provincial Championships and EliminationsTournaments, both in Fast Pitch and Slo-Pitch, too many to list by year andcategory. As much as Dick enjoys being on the diamond, he equally enjoysbeing an Softball Ontario Umpire Instructor and Softball Ontario UmpireEvaluator, Dick provides honest constructor feedback and in a very positiveatmosphere with the intent to help umpires learn and grow. Though Dick has many strengths, he is best known for his interest indeveloping they young (and new) official.
In summary,Mr. Coleman is not one to shy away from responsibilities. He has servedas a local UIC, Zone DUIC, Zone UIC and a Director within the Eastern OntarioUmpire Association. Dick was recognized by in 2003 by his peers andbestowed the honour of Softball Ontario’s Zone Umpire-in-Chief of theYear. In the same year, Dick was inducted into Softball Canada’sIndicator Club for his contributions to the softball community. In 2008,Dick was awarded the Softball Ontario Slo-Pitch Jim Bradford Memorial forachievements in Umpire Education and Mentoring for the province ofOntario. Softball Ontario Umpire number #2096 approaches each taskedwith a commitment and pride. Dick is more interested in the developmentof other officials and Softball Ontario than his own personal gain. Inhis conduct, dedication and presentation, he is a great role model for new andexperienced umpires alike. Mostly recently, Dick has contributed as amember of Softball Ontario’s Active 2010 “Respect My Game” task force. This program is geared to reducing abusive situations in the game of Softballthrough awareness and education.
One of Mr.Coleman’s greatest accomplishments is that he is umpiring with his grandsonAyden in Orleans, ON. Dick feels that he needs to pass “the torch” ontothose below him in the ranks and has turned down appointments to CanadianChampionships as he thought others were more deserving.
As you cansee Dick lifestyle always includes Softball (Fast Pitch andSlo-Pitch). Dick strives to treat players, coaches and fellow Umpiresfairly and he is very consistent when dealing with all parties on thediamond. Dick loves the game of Softball and does his utmost to ensurethat the game is played and officiated fairly. His dedication toSoftball Ontario and Softball Canada Program has ensured the game of softballis alive and well in eastern Ontario.
Please joinSoftball Ontario in congratulating Dick for his excellence in the game ofSoftball and receiving the 2009 Softball Canada’s HomeRun Sports Umpire of theYear.
Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions.